In 2007 – as part of a personal retrospective show – I decided to invest the gallery’s project space with a site-specific installation. The space – a long and narrow corridor lit by portholes on each side – was the interior of a covered bridge connecting two buildings on either side of the street.
A tide of books… In 2007 – as part of a personal retrospective show – I decided to invest the gallery’s project space with a site-specific installation. The space – a long and narrow corridor lit by portholes on each side – was the interior of a covered bridge connecting two buildings on either side of the street.
I imagined a series of waves moving towards the viewer along the narrow corridor in a rhythm characteristic of ocean waves. The subject matter was an accumulation of photographic sequences of books, as seen from the interior, page side. The result was a tide of books, rhythmically unfurling towards the viewer.
I created an ambient sound by mixing my own regular breathing with the sound of ocean waves, thus exposing a sort of dialogue between the two rhythms, remarkably similar in nature.
photos: Frédéric Couderc
ink jet on PVC
ambient sound (ocean waves, respiration)
107 in x 60 in x 630 in
see also

Between The Lines I

Segmento di Marea
