The soft loveliness of the MODAL/SILK blend

March, 2023

We are discovering the soft loveliness of the MODAL/SILK blend, with our new STEAM designs for limited edition scarves, just recently released.
Modal is considered a luxury textile and is often used to blend with other fabrics to give a high-end feel with its lightness and softness. Modal fabric is a semi-synthetic fabric made from beech tree pulp that is used primarily for clothing, such as underwear and pajamas, and household items, like bed sheets and towels. Modal is a form of rayon, another plant-based textile, though it is slightly more durable and flexible than the standard version. Modal is often blended with other fibers like cotton, silk, or spandex for added strength. Modal is considered a luxurious textile thanks to both its soft feel and high cost, as it is more expensive than either cotton or viscose.
Modal fabric is a bio-based fabric that is made from spinning reconstituted beech tree cellulose. Modal is generally considered a more eco-friendly alternative to cotton because beech trees don’t require much water to grow and therefore the production process uses about 10-20 times less water and is completely biodegradable. Even though the material is plant-derived, the production process includes soaking the fabric in chemicals like sodium hydroxide and carbon disulfate, which in turn classify modal as semi-synthetic. Though Modal is a type of rayon fabric, it is generally more durable than regular rayon and feels softer, like cotton. Our new scarves consist of a blend of 85% Modal and 15% Silk, and the result is a soft, warm, and luxurious scarf that is delightful to wear.

Limited edition 85%Modal/15%Silk scarf, STEAM III detail
Limited edition 85%Modal/15%Silk scarf, STEAM I detail... so gauzy!
Limited edition 85%Modal/15%Silk scarf, STEAM I detail... the colors!
Limited edition 85%Modal/15%Silk scarf, STEAM VII detail... so soft!